Introduction to computer vision for Renaissance book and art historians

Giles Bergel

Introduction to computer vision for Renaissance book and art historians 

Presentation + workshop: March 19, 2021, 11am-1pm (UK time)

Presentation: 11am-11.45am (UK time), unlimited

Workshop: 11.45am-1pm (UK time), 40 people

This workshop introduces a number of ways of making images searchable by way of free software developed by the Visual Geometry Group at the University of Oxford. The workshop will cover how to annotate, classify, compare and search images; the state-of-the-art in methods and their application in humanities research; and critical and ethical issues.

No prior knowledge of computer vision is required. The workshop can either be followed through online demos or by by installing the software locally (in which case participants will need a computer to which they have administrator access.