Isabella Magni, Paolo Scartoni
Introduction to Digital Editing and Text Encoding
Presentation: March 9, 2021, 11am-12pm (EST)
Workshop: March 9, 2021, 12pm-1.30pm (EST)
InĀ Introduction to Digital Editing and Text Encoding we will explore basic issues of conceptualizing, planning for, managing and building digital editions and we will provide a hands-on introduction to text-encoding. Examples from real-life projects, among which the Petrarchive, will be provided. Through guided hands-on encoding exercises, participants will discover the logic behind text mark-up languages and will learn basic encoding skills. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to read and understand basic TEI mark-up languages; will have thought through the logic and potentials of encoding literary texts; and will have encoded (at least) one poem or prose. This is an introductory workshop: no previous knowledge of technical skills nor previous experience in text markup is necessary.